quinta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2023

Present Simple Tense

We use the present simple tense for actions that we do all the time. It is used for actions that we have done in the past, that we still do now and that we will continue to do in the future. Eg.:

I write
I eat
He thinks
She uses
They draw

In Turkish, we indicate the present simple tense by attaching certain suffixes to the verb root. We obtain the verb root by removing the "mak/mek" from the infinitive form. For example, the verb root of "yazmak" would be "yaz", "kullanmak" would be "kullan" and "yemek" would be "ye".

We can express the present simple tense in four ways:

  1. Positive (Eg. I eat)
  2. Negative (Eg. I do not eat)
  3. Positive Question (Eg. Do I eat?)
  4. Negative Question (Eg. Do I not eat?)
He / She / ItO
You (Plural)Siz
Personal pronouns


We form a positive present simple tense verb in one of three ways, depending on the structure of the verb root. In all three cases the suffix that we attach to the verb root includes the letter "r". Each case attaches it in a different way. The key is to always remember the "r".

We focus on two attributes of the verb root: whether its last letter is a vowel or consonant and the number of syllables it's made up of

Positive 1 - Ends in vowel: ("-r")

The first case is when the verb root has:

  • A vowel at the end of it

For example: başlamak (başla), yemek (ye), okumak (oku). This case applies to verbs with any amount of syllables, the only condition is that the letter at the end of the verb root is a vowel.

To form the positive present simple tense verb, all we do is attach "r" to the verb root followed by the personal suffix.

Last Vowel of verb root▶a/ıe/io/uö/ü
Suffixes to be added to the verb root
(Positive 1 - Ends in vowel)


başlamak(başla) - to beginyemek(ye) - to eat
Ben başlarımI beginBen yerimI eat
Sen başlarsınYou beginSen yersinYou eat
O başlarHe/she/it beginsO yerHe/she/it eats
Biz başlarızWe beginBiz yerizWe eat
Siz başlarsınızYou beginSiz yersinizYou eat
Onlar başlarlarThey beginOnlar yerlerThey eat

Positive 2 - Ends in a consonant and has one syllable: ("-ar/-er")

The second case is when the verb root:

  • Ends in a consonant
  • Has exactly one syllable

For example: yazmak (yaz), çizmek (çiz), sormak (sor), gülmek (gül). The helping verb "etmek" (et) also falls under this category.

We attach one of "ar/er" based on the last vowel found in the verb root. Then we attach the personal suffix.

Last Vowel of verb root▶a/ı/o/ue/i/ö/ü
Suffixes to be added to the verb root
(Positive 2 - Ends in a consonant and one syllable)


yazmak(yaz) - to writeçizmek(çiz) - to draw
Ben yazarımI writeBen çizerimI draw
Sen yazarsınYou writeSen çizersinYou draw
O yazarHe/she/it writesO çizerHe/she/it draws
Biz yazarızWe writeBiz çizerizWe draw
Siz yazarsınızYou writeSiz çizersinizYou draw
Onlar yazarlarThey writeOnlar çizerlerThey draw


This case does have a number of exceptions including: almak, bilmek, bulmak, durmak, gelmek, görmek, kalmak, olmak (which is a helping verb), ölmek, sanmak, vermek, varmak.

Positive 3 - Ends in a consonant and has more than one syllable: ("-ır/-ir/-ur/-ür")

The last case is when the verb root:

  • Ends in a consonant
  • Has more than one syllable

For example: kullanmak (kullan), öğrenmek (öğren), oturmak (otur), düşünmek (düşün). We attach one of "ır/ir/ur/ür" depending on the verb root's last vowel. Thereafter we attach the personal suffix.

Last Vowel of verb root▶a/ıe/io/uö/ü
Suffixes to be added to the verb root
(Positive 3 - Ends in a consonant and more than one syllable)


kullanmak(kullan) - to usedüşünmek(düşün) - to think
Ben kullanırımI useBen düşünürümI think
Sen kullanırsınYou useSen düşünürsünYou think
O kullanırHe/she/it usesO düşünürHe/she/it thinks
Biz kullanırızWe useBiz düşünürüzWe think
Siz kullanırsınızYou useSiz düşünürsünüzYou think
Onlar kullanırlarThey useOnlar düşünürlerThey think


Sometimes helping verbs such as "etmek" or "olmak" are fused together with other words to form one big verb eg. seyretmek, bahsetmek, kaybolmak, affolmak. Verbs like these do not fall under this category and we apply the appropriate rule based on "etmek" or "olmak" only. In other words we treat them as if "etmek" or "olmak" are written separately.


There is just one way of forming the negative present simple tense verb. We attach one of "maz/mez" to the verb root depending on its last vowel. We then attach the personal suffix.

"Ben" and "Biz" are a bit different. For "Ben" we attach "mam/mem" instead of "maz/mez". For "Biz" we attach "mayız/meyiz".

Last Vowel of verb root▶a/ı/o/ue/i/ö/ü
Suffixes to be added to the verb root (Negative)


yazmak(yaz) - to writeçizmek(çiz) - to draw
Ben yazmamI do not writeBen çizmemI do not draw
Sen yazmazsınYou do not writeSen çizmezsinYou do not draw
O yazmazHe/she/it does not writeO çizmezHe/she/it does not draw
Biz yazmayızWe do not writeBiz çizmeyizWe do not draw
Siz yazmazsınızYou do not writeSiz çizmezsinizYou do not draw
Onlar yazmazlarThey do not writeOnlar çizmezlerThey do not draw

kullanmak(kullan) - to useyemek(ye) - to eat
Ben kullanmamI do not useBen yememI do not eat
Sen kullanmazsınYou do not useSen yemezsinYou do not eat
O kullanmazHe/she/it does not useO yemezHe/she/it does not eat
Biz kullanmayızWe do not useBiz yemeyizWe do not eat
Siz kullanmazsınızYou do not useSiz yemezsinizYou do not eat
Onlar kullanmazlarThey do not useOnlar yemezlerThey do not eat

Positive Question

While there are three different ways of forming a positive present simple tense verb, we can use one short method to turn them all into questions.

The key is to focus on the "r" that was added when the positive verb was formed. The first thing we do is split the verb after the "r". To this we add "mı/mi/mu/mü" separately, based on the vowel before the "r". Lastly we attach the personal suffix.

For "Onlar", the personal suffix remains attached to the "r". All we do is add "mı" or "mi" to it at the end. Furthermore, for "Ben" and "Biz" we add a "y" before the personal suffix to prevent having two vowels side by side.

Vowel before "r"▶a/ıe/io/uö/ü
Onlar-lar mı-ler mi-lar mı-ler mi
To be added after the "r" in the positive form
(Positive Question)


yazmak(yaz) - to writeçizmek(çiz) - to draw
Ben yazar mıyım?Do I write?Ben çizer miyim?Do I draw?
Sen yazar mısın?Do you write?Sen çizer misin?Do you draw?
O yazar mı?Does he/she/it write?O çizer mi?Does he/she/it draw?
Biz yazar mıyız?Do we write?Biz çizer miyiz?Do we draw?
Siz yazar mısınız?Do you write?Siz çizer misiniz?Do you draw?
Onlar yazarlar mı?Do they write?Onlar çizerler mi?Do they draw?

kullanmak(kullan) - to useyemek(ye) - to eat
Ben kullanır mıyım?Do I use?Ben yer miyim?Do I eat?
Sen kullanır mısın?Do you use?Sen yer misin?Do you eat?
O kullanır mı?Does he/she/it use?O yer mi?Does he/she/it eat?
Biz kullanır mıyız?Do we use?Biz yer miyiz?Do we eat?
Siz kullanır mısınız?Do you use?Siz yer misiniz?Do you eat?
Onlar kullanırlar mı?Do they use?Onlar yerler mi?Do they eat?

Negative Question

To form a negative question, we attach "maz/mez" to the verb root depending on its last vowel. We then separately add "mı/mi" together with the personal suffix.

For "Onlar", the personal suffix gets attached to "maz/mez" instead. Furthermore, for "Ben" and "Biz" we add a "y" before the personal suffix to prevent having two vowels side by side.

Last Vowel of verb root▶a/ı/o/ue/i/ö/ü
Ben-maz mıyım-mez miyim
Sen-maz mısın-mez misin
O-maz mı-mez mi
Biz-maz mıyız-mez miyiz
Siz-maz mısınız-mez misiniz
Onlar-mazlar mı-mezler mi
Suffixes to be added to the verb root (Negative Question)


yazmak(yaz) - to writeçizmek(çiz) - to draw
Ben yazmaz mıyım?Do I not write?Ben çizmez miyim?Do I not draw?
Sen yazmaz mısın?Do you not write?Sen çizmez misin?Do you not draw?
O yazmaz mı?Does he/she/it not write?O çizmez mi?Does he/she/it not draw?
Biz yazmaz mıyız?Do we not write?Biz çizmez miyiz?Do we not draw?
Siz yazmaz mısınız?Do you not write?Siz çizmez misiniz?Do you not draw?
Onlar yazmazlar mı?Do they not write?Onlar çizmezler mi?Do they not draw?

kullanmak(kullan) - to useyemek(ye) - to eat
Ben kullanmaz mıyım?Do I not use?Ben yemez miyim?Do I not eat?
Sen kullanmaz mısın?Do you not use?Sen yemez misin?Do you not eat?
O kullanmaz mı?Does he/she/it not use?O yemez mi?Does he/she/it not eat?
Biz kullanmaz mıyız?Do we not use?Biz yemez miyiz?Do we not eat?
Siz kullanmaz mısınız?Do you not use?Siz yemez misiniz?Do you not eat?
Onlar kullanmazlar mı?Do they not use?Onlar yemezler mi?Do they not eat?

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